Dear Friends & Awakening Souls

Are we having fun yet? Yes, for a great number of people, recent years have been very challenging, with no end in sight about when things are going to turn for the better. Even for those of us who daily count our blessings that we are in good health, are financially getting by, have a solid roof over our heads, have clean water, and are eating nutritious food, the various society-wide problems plaguing the world have been challenging. On top of all that, those who are more psychically sensitive and aware may be having a bit of a time dealing with the chaos of everyone else’s mental and emotional energies gone wild! Yep, if you haven’t been having enough fun—or being completely happy with your life— it’s time to Create & Transform Your Life into a new space.

You’re most likely already well aware that what we’re all going through in the world has to do with a massive global awakening and we’re taking our next collective step to evolve as a species. It’s definitely the Great Transformation. We should put up a huge sign, like big hotels do when they’re going through a massive remodel, that says, “We’re sorry for all the noise, dust, and inconvenience. We’re renovating our whole place. We promise that it’s going to be amazing once we’re done! Please bear with us. We thank you for your understanding.” Right?

In the meantime, you might be wondering what you can do to manage all that’s going on both personally and globally. Well, first things first. You have to take care of the inside in order to be able to effectively and successfully take care of the outside. Since everything in the universe is energy, if you take care of the energy, whatever it is that you need to do about anything in this world will go oh-so-much better. Would you like that?

You are much more psychic than you think and you just need to learn to use your psychic awareness, abilities, and energy to create the next steps in your life and transform, not only your life, but the world around you as well. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll marvel at how simple doing energy work truly is. And, it’s incredibly effective.

Here’s the line-up for our sixth set of seven audio classes in our popular series, You Might Be More Psychic Than You Think! Join us to learn how you can do Psychic Energy Work for Your Home, Work, Business, and Recreation to Create & Transform Your Life.

See you in class!


Take your spiritual growth journey in steps with our complete set of classes. Pay for only 6 and get all 7. Get the most value!