In These Classes You Will Learn To

  • Develop Your Psychic Abilities

    Yes, you are psychic! You'll learn to develop your intuitive and psychic abilities one class at a time.

  • Live Your Psychic Life Everyday

    You'll learn many simple, but powerful psychic tools that you'll be able to utilize every day—at home, at work, at school, at social events, while caregiving, and even while you play!

  • Create & Transform Your Life

    We'll teach and empower you on how to go about manifesting a life that fulfills your soul purpose for being here in this world.


Discover You Might Be More Psychic Than You Think, a series of 63 inspiring classes by Michael and Raphaelle Tamura. Explore topics like chakras, relationships, creativity, and more. Open to everyone—take a single class or a bundle to deepen your journey!

A Message from Michael J Tamura

About You Might Be More Psychic Than You Think! Series

Dear Friends and Awakening Souls

If you’re reading this, you most likely have at least a hunch that you might be psychic. But, You Might Be More Psychic Than You Think! In fact, however psychic you think you are, you are more psychic than that. Much more. How can I make a blanket statement like that? For one thing, being psychic is limitless, so however psychic you might think you are, that’s based on the self-imposed limits you’ve already placed on yourself. And, whatever limits you place on yourself, you will always draw within those lines, so what you experience of yourself will seem to confirm what you believe in or assume.

Here’s a series of audio self-study classes for all of you who are growing spiritually and seeking answers to what's going on with you as you do so. Yes, things change rapidly when you begin to awaken more as the soul that you are. Becoming more aware is a major part of your spiritual growth, but what happens to you as you wake up more to who you truly are?

At times it's joyous and exhilarating, but at other times, it could be a pain—or at least not too much fun. And, having a wonderful day one day and then feeling like a Mack truck ran you over the next morning could be a bit confusing. "I'm doing so much better,” you think to yourself one day and then the next day you find yourself down in the dumps! Hey, what's that all about? Yes, shift happens and when it does in a big way within your mind, it changes, well, pretty much everything. It's a bit like having sat on your legs folded under you for a long time—they go numb and you don't feel anything. Then, when you stand up and the blood flow returns to your legs—oh, the pins and needles! Ow! That's a physical analogy of becoming more aware at first. Each time you expand or deepen your awareness into an area of your mind that heretofore you've been asleep to, you may get a kind of "pins and needles” reaction at first—emotions, thoughts, and other energies of all kinds (often not too pleasant) surface in your newly gained awareness.

Yet, fear not! (as angels are wont to say.) It's time to celebrate your newfound awareness, even if what you've become more aware of at first is a lot of mental and emotional muck. It just means you're done holding on to it. Yay! So, let all that be what it is—energetic muck - and carry on! And, we're here to help you along on your path of awakening and growing spiritually.

The good—no great—news is that You Might Be More Psychic Than You Think! We already know you are, but we want you to know it, too. Even those who already are "practicing” psychics who know they are psychic are more psychic than they think they are. How much more psychic you really are than you think you are is generally directly proportional to how much trouble you are having being more psychic than you are aware of.

Yep. Being psychic is fantastic—no holds barred! The more psychic, the better. There's actually no downside to being psychic like many people tend to think. But….ah, yes, there's that proverbial "but”…to the degree that you are not aware of how and in what ways you are psychic and you are not correctly managing your psychic abilities, they work against you because you tend to fight them. Many awakening souls experience things that are not enjoyable or even pleasant, not because there's something wrong with them, but only because they aren't aware how to correctly relate to and manage their own psychic awareness and energy. So, we came up with this audio self-study class series to address each of the major and essential psychic abilities that you already have and are actively—but often unconsciously—using that may be giving you a variety of annoying or even challenging problems, like knowing you ought to be happier, but not being able to feel happy; or not knowing what to do about all those pesky thoughts that keep running through your mind that you don't want to think; or not knowing if the answer you're getting inside of you is actually a good one or it's just your wishful thinking—or worse. Many of you could have your psychic healing ability going wild, what with so many people tearing their hair out these days trying to keep up with everything daily life seems to demand of them. If you are unaware that you are healing them, and you're not consciously being able to manage it, you may have the experience of being inundated with everyone else's problems and those around you go away feeling better and you feel wiped out! Yes, You Might Be More Psychic Than You Think!

To help guide many of you who are starting to or have been experiencing the “call” to look deeper within yourself, to discover more of who you might truly be, and/or to develop your intuitive and psychic nature and abilities, we have a series of audio self-study classes that we’ve been calling You Might Be More Psychic Than You Think! Developing Your Soul Abilities for Your Spiritual Growth & Fulfillment. Within this series, we offer different sets of seven 2-hour audio classes with a special theme. We welcome you to join us in our series of audio self-study classes, to learn much more about your various psychic abilities, to become more aware of how they work in you, what their purpose is, and how to not only develop them further but to do so with awareness, and to learn tools so you can manage them properly. It's time to fully enjoy being psychic—because it is wonderful. Your psychic abilities stepping up just means that you are starting to become more aware of yourself as the immortal soul that you are. And, when you begin to use your psychic abilities more consciously, you will be able to experience yourself as the soul that you already are.