How’s this year treating you so far? You’ve probably been aware that in order to fully move on from all that you went through last year, you’ve had to tie-up loose-ends, finish up your own business, and set yourself up to embark upon your new creative adventure. Yes, we are living in the time of the Great Transformation in this world. As the Hopi Prophecy Keepers have been saying, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” Have you arrived? Have you welcomed yourself? Are you ready to rock and roll down the river of creative change and healing?
This River of Transformation is getting higher and faster by the day. If you’ve ever gone rafting down a fast-moving river, you know that you need to be well prepared to make it safely to your destination. You have to have good equipment, training and experience, useable tools, wisdom, and courage. Above all, you need your fellow travelers. We’re all in this together. Remember these bywords for this time period: Compassion, Communication, Cooperation, and Creation.
To successfully complete a long and challenging journey, you need to make strategic,well-planned pit stops along the way. You need to take impeccable care of yourself so that you are in the best shape possible to make it to your destination alive and well. And, this journey is not just about you. We’re all in it together. We need each other to make it down this river successfully.
What can you do to keep yourself in tip-top form? The good news is that there is so much information and many resources out in the world now available at your fingertips to help you take care of the many aspects of your body and mind. But the most important part of taking care of yourself is taking care of who you truly are—you are spirit. You are an immortal soul incarnated here in physical form. How do you take care of your psychic—or soul—self?
The great news is that it’s not that difficult or time-consuming to do that. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll find that it’s even more essential to your well being than taking a shower or brushing your teeth. (But please, keep taking showers and brushing your teeth everyday!) To help you along with learning what you need in order to more fully take care of your inner being and your psychic life, we welcome you to join us for our line-up of seven audio classes in our popular series, You Might Be More Psychic Than You Think! In this seventh set of seven 2-hour audio classes, you’ll learn how to do Psychic Energy Work for Your Well Being and Create and Transform Your Life. We invite you to sign up for any or all of these classes and rock and roll with us down the white waters of great changes.
With love and joyous celebration of life,